Monday, April 10, 2017

Skipping Rocks and Garter Snakes and Saving the National Parks (by F.)

1110 E. 168th Place
South Holland, IL 60473

President Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington DC 20500
10 April 2017

Dear President Trump,  

Today, I went to Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore. My family, along with a group from my church, went on a beautiful hike, where we saw several garter snakes and enjoyed spending time skipping rocks in Lake Michigan by the dunes.    

My family also loves National Parks. Last year, on our vacation, we attended Bryce, Zion, Mesa Verde, Arches, and Grand Canyon National Parks. A few years ago, we went to Yellowstone with our reunion group. 

My family is Christian, and, to us, it is important to spend time admiring, interacting with, and caring for God’s creation. Just one glance across Grand Canyon National Park proves how powerful and amazing our God is.  

God commands us to take care of the world he created. It pains me when I see people throwing away things that could be recycled, leaving lights on that could be turned off, and buying new items when the ones they have suffice. Pollution and global warming are things that make me frightened, and sometimes, they make me feel small and powerless. But they are real things and they need to be addressed.  

When I attend a National Park or Lake Shore, I feel comforted. They make me feel like America does care about preserving rare and unique wildlife and formations. I am able to see parts of God’s incredible creation that I wouldn’t get to see anywhere else in the world.

In short, President Trump, National Parks and Lake Shores are extremely important.

And, I was quite upset when I heard that you’re cutting the budget for National Parks and Lake Shores. That is not okay, President Trump. Please reconsider.

Thank you, 

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