President Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington D.C. 20500
5 April 2017
Dear President Trump:
On March 27 you signed an executive
order which didn’t make much of a splash in the news, but should have. That executive order revoked the 2014 Fair
Pay and Safe Workplaces Order. That
order ensured that companies with federal contracts had to comply with 14 existing
labor and civil rights laws.
President Obama signed that order
after a 2010 Government Accountability Office investigation showed that
companies with rampant violations of these laws were being awarded millions of
dollars worth of federal contracts. In
part the order includes a ban on forced arbitration clauses that permit
companies to force female employees to sign away their constitutional right to
a day in court and also their right to discuss what happened with the press.
You have now eliminated that protection.
Sir, I have two daughters. One of them is in college now and will be
joining the workplace in three years.
Have you honestly just changed the law to make her less safe? Are you protecting companies at the expense
of my daughters’ safety? Have you really
just signed an order that allows companies to pay women less than men to do the
same job? How can you justify such an
action, Mr. President? Such an action is
enabling inequity and injustice. Such an
action is unworthy of anyone occupying the office of president. Sir, your job is to protect the American
people. All of them. Making it easier for women to be sexually
assaulted in the workplace is despicable.
You have two daughters. Do the right thing. Reinstate the protections for women and people
protected by civil rights laws.
Bill Boerman-Cornell
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