Friday, April 21, 2017

Insulting Canada? Seriously Mr. Trump?

President Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC 20500
21 April 2017 

Dear President Trump,  

In a New York Times article yesterday they quoted you as saying that “What Canada has done to our dairy farm workers is a disgrace.” 

The United States and Canada have enjoyed a mutual friendship that goes back to the earliest days of our republic.  Are you really trying to alienate the country that helps protect our northern border?  Have you really never been taught enough manners to at least refrain from insulting our neighbors? 
I have no idea what offence you believe that the entire country or Canada has committed against our dairy industry and frankly I don’t really care.  Surely you could have come up with a way to say that which was at least somewhat respectful to a country that we are friends with. 

I have written you nearly seventy letters and have tried to be respectful and civil in all of them.  Sir, surely you can learn to show respect to those that you don’t agree with as well.  As president of the country I live in, you represent me.  Start showing some tact and respect to the rest of the world, please..


Bill Boerman-Cornell

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