Monday, April 3, 2017

Immigrants...We Get the Job Done,

President Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington DC 20500 

Dear President Donald Trump,  

My family is obsessed with the musical "Hamilton". I am sure that you are familiar with the musical. It is absolutely spectacular; the songs teach a lot of history, there are many meaningful lines, and all of the actors are incredibly talented. We actually got the opportunity to go to Broadway in Chicago and see it live a few days ago!   

Anyways, there is a line in “The Battle of Yorktown” when Lafayette says, “Immigrants...we get the job done!” That is perhaps my favorite line in the entire musical. (And that’s saying a lot!) Immigrants...we get the job done. Immigrants...we get the job done.   

And in a song on the Hamilton mixtape, “Immigrants, we get the job done,” it says, “’s really astonishing that in a country founded by immigrants, ‘immigrant’ has somehow become a bad word.” 

That really struck me. After all, President Trump, everyone who isn’t a Native American is either an immigrant or the descendant of an immigrant.  Your very own wife is an immigrant.  Without immigration, the US wouldn’t be the nation that it is currently.    

The way you are talking about people from other countries in the news, though, makes me think that they will not feel welcomed here.  And that would be a shame.  President Trump, please remember that immigrants are what makes our nation full of variety. Immigrants are what bring different religions, cultures, art, music, stories, food, and so much more to America.    

Immigrants...we get the job done. Immigrants get the job done. They are what makes America great.


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