Tuesday, April 18, 2017

President Trump, It Is Time to be Kind.

President Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC 20500
18 April 2017 

Dear President Trump,  

I read about the Easter Celebrations at the White House recently and watched a video that showed a clip of you signing a child’s hat and, instead of handing it to the child, tossing it into the crowd.  

While that may seem harmless, after all, the kid probably got his hat back, it isn’t harmless at all,  President Trump. That is an unkind thing for anyone to do, let alone the president of the United States. 

 And, while this may seem like a small thing that I’m writing you about, the fact is, it’s not. As President, you are a role model and a leader. You are perhaps one of the most powerful and influential people in our country. When you’re a leader, other people look up to you and try to imitate your behavior. And it’s not okay to do things like that when you’re being looked up to and imitated.  

 A little bit of kindness can go a whole lot farther than you think, President Trump. The situation with the hat was very small in the grand scheme of things and probably only lasted a couple of seconds, but there have been other instances of you being unkind and inconsiderate to others. You have called women very nasty things before that make me feel disgusted and horrified when I read them, for example.  

It is time for you to start being kind.  


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