Wednesday, March 15, 2017

You're Fired Postcard Campaign

President Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20500
15 March 2017  

Dear President Trump, 

My friend Marv contacted me to tell me about a campaign to write you postcards telling you that you are fired.  I am not writing you a postcard like that.  I suspect when you get all those postcards you (or your assistants) will throw them all away – or perhaps they will make you angry.  I can understand both those impulses.  I would like to suggest, though, a different response. I would suggest that those postcards should, on some level, make you happy, and then they should make you reconsider some things. 

You are, as you know, the president of a democracy.  The greatest thing about this country is not its military might, not its Gross National Product, not how we are ranked nationally in various categories.  The best thing about this country is that it is governed by the people.  The people who are sending you postcards telling you that you are fired are entitled to speak their minds.  They have freedom of speech.  And when they tell you you are fired, they need not fear, as in a dictatorship, that they will be targeted, arrested, imprisoned, injured or killed.  That is a great thing.  

It might also be wise, though, to recognize that a majority of the population – 55% according to the current Gallup Presidential approval rating -- are not happy with the choices you have made.  I cannot speak for all of them, but i can tell you what bothers me.  I am upset that you are turning away refugees who are fleeing our enemies and have nowhere else to go.  I am angered that you are rolling back environmental protections that keep us safe from toxins and pollutants.  I am frustrated that you are likely to sign a bill that will take health care away from millions of people who need it.  I am disappointed that the decisions you are making seem to benefit the rich and corporations more than they do the average American.   I think you need to listen to those who object to these decisions and rethink them.

But I am happy that I live in a country where I can write the president and tell him how I feel.  I just wish I could be certain that you are listening. 


Bill Boerman-Cornell

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