Monday, March 20, 2017

President Trump, Don't Kill the Libraries

President Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington DC 20500

20 March 2017 

Dear President Trump, 

I am an avid reader. Both of my parents are teachers, and they introduced me to books, words, and the joys of reading at a young age. I’ve pretty much loved reading since I was a day old. As you would probably guess, since reading is so important to me, libraries are, too. When I heard recently that your budget includes cutting funding for libraries, I was a variety of emotions: sad, upset, scared, angry, and nervous. 

Why are you going to cut library funding, President Trump? Honestly, that sounds like a recipe for disaster to me. Libraries, books, and reading, are so, so important. If you don’t believe me, research it a little bit. Not only is reading fun and entertaining, but reading grows your brain. It helps children to do better on tests, it can reduce the risk of getting Alzheimer's, and it grows vocabulary. Reading also develops imagination, boosts creativity, and improves concentration. Reading has the power to reduce stress, improve your memory, and keep your mind sharp.  

Personally, I believe that cutting library funding is a really, incredibly bad plan that you should reconsider. Books are essential for our schools, our communities, and our lives.

And if you don’t like reading, maybe you just haven’t found the right book for you yet. Keep looking. 


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