Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Opposing President Trump's Irrational Budget

President Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington DC 20500
21 March 2017 

Dear President Trump, 

According to an article in the Chicago Tribune on March 15, your proposed budget would involve massive cuts for the Departments of Agriculture, Labor, State, and the Environmental Protection Agency.  It would eliminate funding for the National Endowment for the Arts, National Endowment for the Humanities, PBS, and the National Institutes of Health.  These cuts will result in the elimination of tens of thousands of jobs and will cripple these agencies while generating relatively little in savings for the government.  

The reasoning for this that I am hearing (please correct me if I have this wrong) is that such cuts are painful but necessary in order to come closer to balancing the budget and decreasing the deficit. 

I understand about the necessity sometimes to tighten one’s belt to live within one’s means.  But the rest of your budget doesn’t align with this idea.  You would increase spending on defense by 54 billion, and spend 1.7 billion to build the wall you claimed the Mexican government was going to pay for.

Let me be clear.  I pay taxes and have done so for the past 35 years.  I am delighted to pay taxes to maintain National Parks, support art, pay for health research, and help people who need it.  I also understand the need for a national defense.  I see no compelling reason to increase that national defense.  I have likewise heard no reasonable justification for spending billions of dollars to build a wall across our Southern border. 

In short, Sir, it seems to me that your budget will benefit military contractors and construction contractors, but will do nothing to make life better for most Americans.  As such, I oppose this budget and encourage you to go back to the drawing board and come up with something that will keep our air and water clean, help us educate children, and provide for those who need help. 


Bill Boerman-Cornell

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