Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Middle School Advice on Conquering Xenophobia

President Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20500
14 March 2017  

Dear President Trump,   

Earlier this evening, I was looking through the dictionary for a word, and I came across the word “xenophobia.” The exact definition of xenophobia is “(noun) intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries.” In other words, it’s the fear of foreigners or people who are not from the country that you live in.   

When I read the word xenophobia, I immediately thought of you, President Trump. Not only are you planning on building a wall between the US and Mexico (and trying to make Mexico pay for it), but you seem determined to keep all Muslims from several countries out of America. Your recent revision of your travel ban, in spite of its fancy rhetoric, remains focused on keeping all Muslims out.  

Fear is a powerful force.  I worry that fear is the root of all of the extreme measures that you’re taking? I worry that what is driving you is a phobia.  

We all have things that we are afraid of. For example, I have a fear of spiders. But, unless we put forth effort into being brave and conquering our fears, we will never get rid of them. I have a suggestion for you, President Trump.  

I will promise to work hard on conquering my fear of spiders, if you work hard on conquering your fear of people who are not Americans.  Almost all of the people who want to come to America are just looking for a better life.  There’s really nothing to be afraid of. 



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