Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Mr. Trump, don't eliminate protection for those with pre-existing medical conditions.

President Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington DC 20500
3 May 2017 

Dear President Trump, 

The amended Health Care Bill, up for a vote today, eliminates protections for people with pre-existing conditions.  I am writing you to urge you to vote against this bill in the event that it makes it past the Senate. 

I have a pre-existing condition, melanoma.  I am a seven year survivor thanks to recently developed innovations in immunotherapy.  During my years of receiving treatments, I was able to continue to teach full time.  I work hard, pay taxes, and pay into my insurance plan.  Recently, after several clear scans, I have been allowed to stop getting infusions every three weeks.  Under the Affordable Care Act, my plan covered me enough for me to get well. 

According to a New York Times story that ran yesterday, under the proposed legislation, many Americans with pre-existing conditions would be pushed off their insurance and segregated into high-risk pools where they will have to face soaring costs worse coverage, and restricted care.  The bill will also sharply cut Medicaid funds for special education students, a population that desperately needs such funds. 

Under the Affordable Care Act, insurers are required to charge the same price for coverage, regardless of pre-existing conditions.  The amended House bill, according to Paul Ryan, allows states to waive this rule for people who have lapses in coverage – if for example they change jobs.  According to a Kaiser Analysis, this could affect upwards of 4.7 million people. 

People with cancer are already in a desperate situation, as are people with other chronic health situations.  Medicine can often help them live a relatively normal life.  This bill will take that away and will cause unbelievable hardship for such people and their families.  Help make the world a better place, Mr. Trump, not a worse one.  Vote that bill down.


Bill Boerman-Cornell

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