Thursday, May 11, 2017

Middle Schooler Advocates Energy Research

President Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington DC 20500
11 May 2017 

Dear President Trump,  

I recently read an article about some of the federal programs that you are going to eliminate. One of the programs that caught my eye was the “Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy,” or “ARPA-E.” I researched this further and found out that this programadvances high-potential, high-impact energy technologies that are too early for private-sector investment.” ( In other words, the ARPA-E funds researchers who are researching energy (how to use it, store it, and generate it) and have good ideas, but might not be able to afford getting it off the ground.

I would like to ask you why you are cutting this program. Conserving energy and taking care of the world is extremely important to me, especially as a Christian. I believe that we, as humans, have the responsibility of respecting and protecting the world that God has made. This means taking an interest in and supporting programs like this one that research how to use, store, and generate energy. 

Also, I did some calculations, and that program is roughly .01% of the national budget. That’s an incredibly small percent, President Trump. By cutting that program, are you really saving our country a lot of money?  I don’t really understand your logic.  

Please rethink cutting the ARPA-E. 



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