Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mr. President, History has its Eyes on You.

President Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington DC 20500
15 May 2017 

Dear President Trump,  

There it a line in the hit musical Hamilton! That is repeated seveal time and which goes: “History has its eyes on you.”  Alexander Hamilton and many of the other founding fathers were aware that their actions and the things that they said would become part of the historical record, and so they took great care in making decisions aobut those actions and speeches.

While I mean no disrespect, I could encourage you to consider that line.  Perhaps it is because you so often tweet your justification for decisions you make, but they often seem random or poorly thought out.  When you speak to other people, particularly those who disagree with you, you do so in a way which is dismissive and sometimes insulting.  Consider the way you refer to thousands of hard-working journalists as “fake news,” or the way you have sometimes said things about leaders of other countries that could be interpreted as disrespectful.  Another example might be the way you have referenced African-Americans as living in the ghetto or referred to Mexican immigrants as drug dealers and rapists. 

It may be that such talk builds up your support among your base, but such support is shrinking.  The most recent Gallup poll shows your approval rating dropping to 38%.   Perhaps it is time to change your image.  Stop being the uncaring, one-dimensional fear-monger that FOX News and your base have built you into.  Take some time.  Think about how you want to be considered by history, by children, and by the next generation, Then make a change and think about how you could make the environment, health care, social justice, and the political climate of the nation and the world better.  

Remember, Mr. President, that history has its eyes on you. 


Wm. Boerman-Cornell

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