Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Why we are doing this.

On the night of the election, I felt horrible.  I had assured my daughters that there was no way that the people of the United States would elect a man who had no qualifications for office and had said horrible things about women, minority populaitons, people who were poor, and had been generally offensive for years.  Turned out, I was wrong.

My daughters cried.  I got angry.  My wife despaired.  But after a couple of weeks, I suggested that we should do something.  As an English teacher, an optomist, and a nerd, I felt like maybe the power of words could make a difference.  So our family decided that we would write a letter to President Donald Trump every day of his presidency.  We will keep the tone civil.  We will see if he ever replies.

The first letter will appear the day of the inauguration.

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