youngest daughter made these suggestions about how President Trump could be a
better president.
This is our ninth letter to President Trump. No replies yet.
President Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington D.C. 20500
39 January 2017
Dear President Trump,
I was recently thinking about the qualities that could make you a
better president if you could put them into practice more. I will list five
characteristics/words below, along with their definitions, so that you will
know what I mean.
Kindness: (noun) the quality of being friendly, generous, and
considerate. You could be kind to Mexican immigrants by not building a wall to
keep them out.
Welcome: (verb) to greet (someone arriving) in a glad, polite, or
friendly way. You could welcome Muslims into America. Not all Muslims are
terrorists--that’s an extreme generalization.
(adj.) having or bearing a demeanor befitting a president. You could act more presidential by getting off twitter and not
yelling at reporters.
Self-control: (noun) the ability to control oneself, in particular
one’s emotions and desires or the
expression of them in one's behavior, especially in difficult situations.
You could use some self-control when others say mean things about you.
The Bible tells that if someone slaps us in the face, we should turn the other
cheek, instead of lashing back at them.
Accepting: (adj.) amenable; open. You should be more accepting towards people who
are different than you are, whether that be in the way they look, the way they
talk, or the way they act.
I think if you tried to do these things, it
would make you a better president.Thank you,
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