Saturday, January 21, 2017

More Graciousness Please

This is the second letter to President Trump from our family.  Feel free to follow this blog if you like.  We also recommend a similar project headed up by my cousin-in-law.  Check out this stuff at

By the way, all of the actual letters we mail are signed with a full name.  For our children's privacy though, we just use an initial when posting their letters here.

President Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington D.C.  20500
21 January 2017

President Trump,

 It's technically Saturday, although I am writing this in the early hours of the morning. Such is the schedule of a college student. My family started writing letters yesterday to you yesterday to talk about some of the things you have done, many of which we do not agree with, so I will start things off on a good note: I very much appreciated the fact that at your inaugural luncheon yesterday you gracefully acknowledged the Clintons. That was a respectful and polite thing to do, and I thank you for that. 

This magnanimity, of course, is decidedly different than the attitude both you and Ms. Clinton displayed towards each other on the campaign trail. I don't think the political discourse between you two was ever acceptable and at a level that the people of this country deserve, but setting the campaign trail aside for the moment, I would like to take this moment to ask you to continue the graciousness you have shown today throughout the rest of your presidency. You have won the presidential race and now sit in the highest office in the land. Please treat those who do not held the same power as you do with the respect you would treat your equals with. 

Most sincerely, 







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