Thursday, June 15, 2017

Birthday Suggestions for President Trump

President Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC  20500

Dear President Donald Trump,

Happy Birthday!

I remember that when my sister and I were little, sometimes we would make gifts for the relatives and friends that attended our birthday parties. We felt as though it was a way to express our gratefulness for their love to us, their presence in our lives, and the thoughtful gifts they gave us on our birthday. It was a way for us to show them that we were thankful.

President Trump, I think that, to celebrate your birthday, you should do something similar. You should “give back” in some way. Show God that you’re grateful for his love and care for another year. I don’t know exactly what form that should take, and I think that that’s’ your job now.

You recently suggested that the Republican HealthCare bill was too mean and would hurt people.  This is a good example of how you can use your position as president to look out for people who really need the help that government can give them – so they have a chance to be healthy and strong and they can try to make their dreams come true.

You might also start replying to some of the mail people send you.  I am in middle school and my family has sent you almost a hundred letters offering advice and telling you what we care about.  We have gotten no replies.  That is okay for us – but if little kids write to the president, you ought to answer their letters as a way of encouraging them to participate in democracy.  Just saying.



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