Thursday, February 16, 2017

Mr Trump, own up to your mistakes and start thinking -- about others if possible.

President Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington DC 20500
16 February 2017

Dear President Trump,

Yesterday, as reported by the Washington Post, three investigations into your administration moved forward.  The office of Government Ethics opened an investigation into KellyAnne Conway’s promotion of Ivanka Trump’s fashion line; the Republican-led Oversight Committee began probing your discussion of sensitive information in public at your resort; and Republican Senator Mitch McConnell announced that the Senate investigation into pre-election conversations and negotiations with Russia will deepen. All of this only about 25 days into your presidency.

I know you will be tempted to respond that the news media is out to get you, or worse, that this is “fake news” – an accusation that just makes you look foolish.  The fact is, each of these investigations looks into a mistake that could have been prevented with some careful thought first.  You need to own up to this.

And, moving forward, you need to think less like a reality television star trying to grab headlines and more like a president who cares for the people in his country – all of the people in his country.  Stop eliminating regulations that keep corporations from polluting the skies and water that belong to all of us.  Stop trying to shut out refugees who are fleeing oppressive regimes.  Work toward justice for all people.  Work toward excellent schools for all students, not just those whose parents are wealthy.  Work toward alternative energy sources that reduce our dependence on foreign oil.  Do that, and do it with wisdom, and you may leave a far different mark on history than the one you seem to be headed toward now.

Sir, this is the twenty fifth letter our family has written you.  I am not so naïve to think that you are actually reading them.  I am also not so foolish as to give up hope that one day maybe you will.


Bill Boerman-Cornell






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