Thursday, February 2, 2017

Be Kind to Reporters

President Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington DC  20500
2 February 2017

Dear President Trump, 

Through much of its history, American society has held up many jobs as worthy of respect.  Teachers, doctors, police and fire fighters, those serving in the military, clergymen, writers, editors, journalists, public servants, and many more were all regarded as playing an important part in the fabric of our society. 

More recently we have taken to disrespecting these professions.  We speak of them in unreasonable generalizations.  All teachers, we say, are not working hard enough.  All doctors are getting paid far more than they are worth.  All police officers are corrupt and racist.  Most recently it is journalists who have been getting a beating, and much of that disrespect has come from your quarter.

Members of the news media often put themselves in harm’s way to provide us with information about war-torn parts of the world.  They work long hours trying to find the truth behind things.  They do their best to make sense of a very confusing set of data and try to report that in the most objective way they can.  Is there bias?  Of course there is bias.  Human beings cannot report on anything without seeing it from a particular perspective.  But they try to eliminate bias as best they can.

But when you call all reporters, particularly those who report things that you disagree with --  purveyors of “Fake News”, that is not only disingenuous, it is insulting to those who spend their lives trying to keep the public informed. 

I am not a reporter.  I don’t know any reporters.  But for the sake of the dignity of your office, I ask you to treat them with respect, as you would anyone who does a difficult job.  In return, I think you can expect many of them to do the same for you.


 Bill Boerman-Cornell

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