Monday, December 18, 2017

Our One Hundredth (and Final) Letter to President Trump

18 December 2017 

President Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington DC 20500 

Dear President Trump, 

This is the last letter I will be writing to you.  When you were elected, my family and I decided to try to engage in the democratic process by writing you letters.  This is our one hundredth letter.  Though it took quite a while, we finally began getting replies from your staff.  IIt is clear to us fromt he nature of those responses, which thank us for our support for your policies on various issues, that your staff are not even acknowledging when we respectfully disagree with your policies.  While we have tried our best to engage in civil discourse, they have not been letters of support.

My family and I are Christian.  Since taking office, you have evidenced clearly a disregard for the people that God put on the earth, particularly those that are poor and vulnerable.  You have evidenced a lack of respect for women that has set a horrible example for the rest of the world.  You have made fun of the handicapped.  You have expressed scorn for the press as a whole and shown that the truth does not matter to you.  There is nothing in your behavior or policies that we can reconcile with an awareness of (let alone conformity to) Christian values (nor the values of any other faith that I am familiar with).

You have taken steps that will do great harm to the environment and leave my children and their children a world far more polluted than it was when you took office.  You have consistently showed that you care only for those with money and more specifically, only for yourself and your fame. You have behaved badly toward our trusted allies and have shown an unreasonable amount of trust for Vladimir Putin who has given every indication that such trust is misplaced.

Frankly, we have come to realize that writing you letters is nothing more than a waste of our time.  And so, we are going to stop now.  Instead we will write letters to other legislators who have minds that might consider the ideas and arguments that are important to us. Hopefully they will be able to oppose your initiatives.

We hold no particular ill will toward you.  It is simply clear to us that you have a lot of work to do at becoming a virtuous human being before you attempt to be president.  If we could offer any parting advice to you, it would be this.  You need to start listening to other people, particularly those that disagree with you.  Doing so may be the only way to change the way history will remember you, which, if things continue in the direction they are, will likely be as an ineffective leader who care more about himself than the people in the democracy that he was elected to lead.


Bill Boerman-Cornell

Friday, December 8, 2017

Our Eighth Grader Writes President Trump About Climate Change

President Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington DC 20500
9 December 2017

Dear President Donald Trump,  

I recently read an article about your stance on climate change, and how you do not believe in it. As a young person who will have to deal with the effects of climate change and figure out ways to prevent it to cause further damage so that there is hope for future generations, I am writing to inform you that climate change is real, and it is something that you need to address.

    There is an incredible amount of scientific proof that climate change is real, and it is dangerous. For example, I read on that that satellites orbiting Earth have allowed scientists, through that data, to see the signs of a changing climate. “The planet’s average surface temperature has risen about two degrees Fahrenheit since the late 19th century, a change driven largely by increased carbon dioxide and other human-made emissions into the atmosphere. Most of the warming occurred in the past thirty-five years.” (

    Are you still not convinced, President Trump? Well, here’s some more evidence. Ice sheets are shrinking. Antarctica lost about thirty-six cubic miles of ice between 2002 and 2005. Glaciers are retreating all around the world. Based on satellite observations, snow cover is decreasing. Seas are rising. Global sea level rose about eight inches in the last one hundred years, and they are rising more rapidly. Extreme weather events are occurring, such as intense rainfall in America, the hurricanes we had this season, and the California wildfires.

 Why is it important that you address climate change now, President Trump? What will happen if you don’t take action? Well, temperatures will keep rising. There will be more heat waves. Hurricanes will become more powerful and more intense. The Arctic will become ice-free. Ocean levels will rise putting people in danger.

Climate change is real, and it does need to be addressed. Climate change is not “a hoax.” By not doing something as the President of the United States, you are putting yourself, and future generations, at risk.

It’s time to get off twitter and do something. Now.



Eighth Grader

P. S.,  If you remain skeptical, please check out for more information on climate change, global warming, their causes and effects, evidence, and frequently asked questions regarding those topics.