The White House.
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW.
Washington, DC 20500.
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW.
Washington, DC 20500.
20 January 2017
Dear President Trump:
As of today you are serving as our president. In a monarchy or a dictatorship, we might say that you were the ruler of the people. The United States, however, is a democracy, which means that you work for the people of this nation. You have taken a step out of the position of being the boss of everything, and into a position where you are a public servant. In short, Sir, that means that you now work for me and all the other citizens of this country.
You ran for office on a strategy of inducing fear of terrorists, and transferring that fear to all those who were different – either because of the color of their skin or their country of origin. Unfortunately, while that strategy has gotten you into office, it has also divided our nation, sewn seeds of distrust and fear, and increased racial tension.
So let me address you as your boss. Now that you are in office, it is time to put the fear-mongering behind you and treat those who live in this nation – who are under your care -- with the dignity that every human deserves. This is the sobering responsibility of the office you have undertaken. I pray you will rise to it, sir.
Bill Boerman-Cornell
Here is President Trump's responese
BlogSpot is not letting me upload the scan that I made of it so here is the text of the reply:
The White House
Thank you for your thoughtful suggestions on how to address important issues facing our Nation. I am honored to work on behalf of all Americans to grow our economy, protect our citizens, and strengthen American leadership around the world.
When America is united, there is no challenge too great. Together we will prosper, and we will get the job done.
Finally, here is the letter that I wrote this morning in response to his reply:
President Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington DC 20500
30 August 2017
Dear President Trump:
Thank you for your reply to the letter that I wrote you on the day of your inauguration. Even though it was a form letter, I appreciate your acknowledgement of the letter I had sent.You say in your letter that you are honored to work on behalf of all Americans. I am glad to hear that. As I had mentioned in my letter, the president is supposed to work for the people of this nation and not the other way around. That includes the two-thirds of Americans who are not part of your base, and many of those Americans think you have turned a deaf ear to their concerns about global climate change, domestic racist hate groups, public education, and our relations to other countries.
I also appreciate that you said in your letter that, "When America is united, no challenge is too great." I believe that is true as well, but insulting the press, not taking a clear stance on hate groups like the KKK, making immigrants into scapegoats and objects of fear, and looking more to the needs of Wall Street than the concerns of main street -- all this has not unified the country, it has driven it further and further into extremist camps.
I am old enough to remember a time when democrats and republicans could find huge areas of agreement and work together. Both parties want a robust economy, clean water and air, good schools for our children, and peaceful interactions with the other nations of the world. Surely you could build on that rather than using twitter to drive a wedge between the parties.
I hope you can hear your own words and work as a public servant to all citizens of this country. I also hope you can work toward bringing groups of Americans together for the public good rather than driving them apart.
Bill Boerman-Cornell