Thursday, July 27, 2017

President Trump, It is time to pay attention to citizens.

President Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington DC 20500
27 July 2017 

Dear President Trump, 

It has been a couple of weeks since I wrote you last.  I had to take a break.  This project has been discouraging for several reasons.

First, when I suggested to my family that we write you letters, I did not expect that we would write 90 letters without a single response.  Not even a form letter.  My daughter wrote one letter to former President Obama a little over two months ago and she got a reply recently.  It was a form letter to be sure, but it was a reply.  We have heard nothing from you.  Sir, you have a responsibility to the American People, not just your base, and that includes the children of this country.  At least acknowledge their interest in the democratic process by responding to your mail. 

Second, every time I hear you speak you seem to be in the process of doing something that will hurt people. Whether it is attacking the former president during a Boy Scout rally (not a good way to encourage civil discourse), banning transgender soldiers from serving in the military, or badmouthing people that you appointed, you seem to be focused on hurting people.  The office of President gives you the opportunity to build programs, relationships, and to encourage average people by acknowledging their successes.  I urge you to use that part of the office to lift up someone of the good things that are happening.  

Third, you seem to be attacking specifically some of the very things that make our country great.  You continually attack the free press, the public education system, the courts, and even your own party.  You have also continually lied about what you have said, what you have known, and what you have done.  You said you didn’t meet with Vladimir Putin, but then admitted that you did.  You told the LGBTQ community that you would protect them, then abruptly kicked them out of the military.  I find it very hard to trust you. 

Finally, in your actions and words, you have not behaved as the president should.  You have continued to insult the appearance of those you do not like, including women.  You have focused all your attention on yourself rather than the people that you serve.   

And so honestly, I do not know why I am still writing you.  Once again, I urge you to listen to your advisors.   If you find you cannot do that, I urge you to resign the office of president before a lot of people get hurt as a result of your lack of concern for the people you are supposed to be serving.


 Bill Boerman-Cornell

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Tweet no More, President Trump

1110 E. 168th Place
South Holland, Il 60473
 President Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington DC 20500
Dear President Trump,
In this letter, I will echo the sentiments of many letters that my family had sent before, but I will reiterate the message in hopes that, this time, it will reach your desk. 
Please get off of twitter, or have a chain of command to make sure that you will not tweet something you will regret later. 
The latest incident showing that this is a problem happened only yesterday, when, among other things, you insulted a woman who had made fun of you by saying that she was "bleeding badly from a face-lift," when you saw her around New Years. 
This is a personal use of your power and influence that is entirely inappropriate to the office you now hold. It is unacceptable. It must stop. 